All services begin with a 15 minute consultation. Consultations can be scheduled by calling or texting 859-494-8777 or emailing
Advance Care Directives and Funeral Planning
An advance care directive (ACD) is a legal document used to determine the type of care you would like and who you want to speak for you if you are unable to do so. In this session, we will review the 5 Wishes ACD, discuss Kentucky-specific rules and regulations, and other information that may be useful when determining the kind of care you want to receive. Next, we will review the various types of funerals and dispositions available, ensuring your final good-bye is as unique as you are. This package includes 30 days of continued support for any questions that may arise as you complete your paperwork.
*An additional session with Lauren Hunter-Smith may be added to assist you in sharing your end-of-life plan with your family and friends and answering any questions they may have
Legacy Project Organization
A legacy project is a physical creation you make to share your talents, personality, values, and memories with others. Through the use of various tools, we will determine the best project for you and how to complete it.
Comfort and Care Education
Comfort care and education addresses caring for and interacting with a dying person. Comforting techniques such as hand massage, aromatherapy, meditation, and sound therapy are demonstrated along with resources. Additional information includes what to expect from the dying process, how to set up a “death nest,” and what to do when a death has occurred will be shared.
Personalized Comfort Therapy
Comfort therapy is a customized combination of aromatherapy, hand massage, meditation, and sound therapy to fit the tastes of any individual. A meditation script, personalized for each individual, is included.
*Loved ones may participate in the session at no additional charge.
Home Funeral Workshop
Home funeral workshops are for families and friends interested in caring for a loved one's body at home. Cleansing, hair washing, oral care, feature setting, dressing, shrouding, moving the body, body maintenance, and safety are all discussed and practiced. Additional information about rituals and spiritual support is also shared.
*Please note that this workshop has no minimum or maximum number of people. Many people choose to do it simply out of curiosity. However, if you are planning a home funeral, it is advisable to have 4+ people to assist. Lauren Hunter-Smith is available to volunteer for home funeral support for groups who have completed the workshop. Additional volunteers may be available by request.
Celebrant Service (includes obituary and eulogy)
A Celebrant Service is for people who want to share a personal testament to their own life or the life of a loved one but lack the time, skills, or support to do so. Lauren Hunter-Smith will collect all the information necessary through the completion of a life review and interviews of loved ones to write an obituary, a eulogy, and help create a memorial that feels authentic. Additionally, Lauren will serve as a point person during the ceremony, supporting those who wish to speak or speak on their behalf.
Natural Burial Education and Resources
(Included in all services)
Learn all there is to know about the growing number of non-traditional disposition options available and how to obtain them in Central Kentucky.
Natural Cemetery and Home Burial Advising
Natural cemetery and home burial advising is for people or organizations interested in learning about green burial procedures and regulations in a hands-on manner. In this session, Lauren will walk participants through each step of creating a natural grave and the reasoning behind it. Additional time may be purchased at a discounted rate for grave digging oversight.
*This session is free of charge for organizations who plan to offer burial on a sliding scale or other cost reductions
Complete Care Package
The complete care package includes advance care directives, funeral/memorial planning and support, legacy project planning and support, comfort and care education, a personalized comfort therapy session, and celebrant services, plus up to 10 hours of additional support that may be used for customized comfort therapy, home funeral guidance, or support visits from Lauren Hunter-Smith.

Schedule a Consultation
To schedule a consultation, call or text
859-494-8777 or email